Letter to Kate, 8th August 1919

32507/ 9th Batt Y+L
attached Royal Munsters Fusiliers
A.P.O. Box R. L9 I.E.F. Italy
Aug 8/8/19

Dear Kate
I have received you letter and was very pleased. I with it. I have also had a letter from Jack. I have told him not to bother now as I expect coming home on leave next month perhaps before. It is very hot out here this month and we are still out in the country, but I dont get much time off. Write and tell me how Annie is getting on I have not had a letter for a long. I had a letter from Ethel telling me she had gone back to Mill street but both are keeping in good health Willie must get a rum chap as he is always up to some tricks I shall be glad to get home again but trade is very slack. I think I shall manage to get out of the army by about April next year. it might be before, well I hope so. Let me know what Annie said about Connie and if she is keeping in good health. If I hear any thing about leave I will let you know at once. Jack told me in his last letter that he enjoyed his holidays very much and that he found time to visit Ilkeston. Did you get the letter about me asking for one or two cheap handkerchiefs. Write as often as you can, but if you have not sent any handkerchiefs I should not bother.
With Best Love

(PS) Address same only L9. instead of L1


Kittybriton said...

At last! Some prospect of leave. I hope it all goes smoothly and you actually get some time back in England, or would that be too much to hope for?

Anonymous said...

He sounds like he is missing his family so much and it's dragging on for too long. My heart goes out to Harry, even more since the war is over and he is just stuck there.

Hoping it doesn't do on too much longer for him. That he gets his leave or just gets to go home!


Sgt Sam Avery said...

Hello Harry:
Glad to hear you are still well. I have been moved to an evacuation hospital at a chateau where I am getting along nicely after a dose of gas. A lot of chaps have the same problem and many are in worse shape. The nurses are quite nice here. Some class what? Stop by for a read when you can.
