Letter to Jack, 18th November 1919

Nov 18
40843/ Royal Munster
A.P.O Box L1 D Coy
I.E.F. Italy

Dear Jack,

Just a line to let you know that I am in good health, but am wanting to get home, and there seems no sign of it yet. the last train from here went 5 or 6 weeks ago. goodness knows when the next is going. It is over fourteen months since my last leave and I belong to the 1916 men, but in December. Young lads are getting home, 1918 men, on compassionate grounds. I would be glad if you would try and get me a leave by writing to the war office. dont write hear as it would be of no use, as only special leaves are going, if you write do it at once as we might be moving any time. I think I have earned a leave as it was 17 months before I got my first leave. I have been moved from the village Rivalto and I am now at a place called Auquato. Let me know if you write to the war office. I am pleased to hear that they are all keeping well at Ilkeston and to hear that Annie is keeping well, but they all want to know when I am going to come home as all the other chaps as got out of the army who joined up when I did. Write back as soon as possible as it is a long time since I had a letter. Hoping that this letter finds you all in the best of health.
With Best Love to all


Unknown said...

It almost feel as if Harry just got forgotten... poor guy. I have not read the book, so I'm still anxiously waiting to read the "end" of this story.


Anonymous said...

Any idea how many men were, like Harry, still at their posts this late after the war? On the one hand, he so obviously and rightfully longs to be home; on the other, well, at least he has a job.

G. Tingey said...

I THINK the last conscripts etc came home about April 1920 ....

Sgt Sam Avery said...

Hello Harry:
Sorry to hear you are still waiting for word of leave. At least you are changing scenery, what? I've been hiking since the end of things and we are told we will soon stop at our next assembly area. As it happens, we will be here waiting yet and others who came after will be going home first. Stop by for a read when you can.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear, poor Harry must be desperate to get home - he didn't like it when Jack wrote before, but now realy seems he wants him to, quoting dates and circumstances, it makes for quite a sad letter.


izdelava spletne strani said...

This blog reads like a good novel. Good work!

Sgt Sam Avery said...

Hello Harry:
Just to let you know we are to receive a week's furlough to a town in the French Alps, but I still haven't been paid. Some of the new draft divisions are heading home tho they didn't see any of the hard work that was done. I guess they are holding the experienced combat troops in case Fritz decides to go back on the terms, or else to send us to Russia if things get worse. Stop by for a read when you can.


HeraModerna said...

Saludos a todos.

Nanny (Shirley) said...

Just in case you are not home soon - Happy Christmas Harry, I'll keep praying that you will see your family soon!