Supply problems with the book, U.S and other places?

I'm sorry that some of you are having difficulty in getting hold of "The Book". Amazon in the U.S. have cheerfully taken orders but aren't delivering. My publisher has informed me that it's due to on-going negotiations with potential publishers in the U.S.

Rather than wait for that to resolve, I'm quite happy to supply the book myself. Then, I'll know that the book's delivered and I can sign and dedicate to order - if that's wanted.

Click here to buy the book


Janell said...

Thank you, Bill. I will be happy to pay what ever the cost to receive the book from your loving hands. You continue to be a tribute to your grandfather and if he is able, your father no doubt takes great pride in his son's efforts to enlighten the world about one soldier's fight in The war To End All Wars.

Anonymous said...

Hello Bill,

I'm in the US, but I ordered the book from, and received it last week.

Nanny (Shirley) said...

Bill - I ordered from Amazon US and no delivery date as yet. I would LOVE to have one directly from you with your personal autograph (would go with my stamps) - thanks, Shirley

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you want to do this? I'd bet you've got a lot of US readers, we might sprain your signing hand! (But yep: I'd love an autographed copy, if you're really willing!)

Anonymous said...

Whoopee, I've got my order in!

But.... what can I say? I'm a bit a a Luddite: I didn't see anything about your signing it; I don't need it personalized, but I WOULD like your autograph in there. On the other hand, I don't want to mess up and accidently make a second, completely different order. Will you be signing all the ordered books --- in which case my screwup is taken care of!