March 12
23. D.H.Q
9th Batt Y+L
Dear Kate23. D.H.Q
9th Batt Y+L
Just a line to let you know that I am alright and still cooking but I expect the Division will break up in a week or two. Your book came in very useful. I should not like to be without it. There was four messes on D.H.Q and ours is the only one left. I thought I should have to leave and let one of the other cooks come, but I still keep my place. I should like to be officers servant when we break up, but I expect I shall be with army of occupation till I get demobed. I dont mean soldiering if I can get a job any how while I am in the army. I hope I am out of it before 1920 any way. Write as often as you can and let me know how you are getting on I will write and let you know how I am getting on and where I get too.
With Love
23. D.H.Q
March 12
March 12
Dear Jack
Just a line to let you know that I am alright and still working. Our mess is the only one left we keep getting fresh officers but I still keep my place as cook. I expect the division will break up in a week or two. I dont know were I shall get to. I shall try hard for officers servant when we break up but I expect I shall be with the army occupation for a while. but I dont mind so much as long that I am employed I have had my share of guards etc. I have received your tobacco alright and was very pleased with it. I am lucky to be here till now as all the cooks from the other three messes have finished I thought they would take me place, but I keep as clean as possible I think that as a lot to do with it not the cooking but its a big job as you always messing with the fire. We have had the General for dinner but I got on alright. mind you I dont cook any poultry or game. Write Every week and let me know how you are both getting on
With Best Love to you Both
Chin up Harry! Hopefully your guess is right and you won't have to wait too much longer before you can come home again. I must say, you must have quite a talent as a cook for them to hang on to you like that!
Hello Harry:
Glad to hear you are still getting along in the cooking line. Poultry or game would go just fine with me right now, but all we have is what can be brought to us under fire. Have had a busy time since the 10th, and am learning to dance to the tune the Boshe plays. Stop by for read when you can.
Glad to see Harry has more time to write letters to his family. Maybe it's good that he has time to re-adjust gradually to future civilian life, as he waits and cooks in Italy. It is wonderful that his family continues to provide the items he requests in letters home. Clearly, the cook book is very valuable to him, as he struggles to improve the art of cooking. I do hope that soon Harry is returned home to family and employment.
Harry wrote:
“We have had the General for dinner ... I don’t cook any poultry or game”.
Maybe in his next letter we’ll find out if the General tasted better than poultry or game!
Hello Harry:
We have been moved out of the line now and are heading southeast to the next place. Talk about French boxcars, if you don't have cooties going in you have them coming out. Stop by for a read when you can.
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