April 2/4/1918
C Company
12 Platoon L.G.S.
I have just got your letter dated 24/ I also got the money alright. Postal orders are alright. I have also had a letter from Jack and one from Ethel. Ethel told me that Jack had sent Willie a shilling for his birthday, it will soon be Connie's now. The weather here is very cold we have had frost and snow and it has been raining now two days, but still we are alright, it is very quiet not like beening in France. I am always glad to get a letter from you I have not been able to write any letters lately, but if you don't get one you will know the reason so you can write a line every week. I am pleased they are all keeping in good health at home and that dad does not get any worse. I will try and write you a long letter next time I write. Could you send me a stick of shaving shop and a piece of washing soap next time you write.

The envelope for Kate's letter. Note the censor's stamp. The letter's content also reveals that the post to Italy took about a week as Harry had received Kate's letter from 24th March. Is it any better today?
A "shilling" was worth 5p. Twenty shillings to the pound in 1918.
C Company
12 Platoon L.G.S.
Just a line to let you know I am going on alright. I was pleased to get your letter and to hear that you both are keeping well. We have had some frost and snow out here, but it as been raining for two days. I have had a letter from home and they told me you had sent Willie a birthday present. Things are very quiet out here a bit different to being out in France. things seems to be a bit rough out there now, but I hope things will change. I will write again in a few days and let you know a bit more news.